Nearly half a million awarded to upgrade towns and villages
Almost a half a million euro has been allocated to towns and villages surrounding Mullingar under the Government’s Town and Village Renewal Scheme.
Castlepollard is to get €100,000 towards a new walking and cycling link; Castletown Geoghegan gets €100,000 towards the development of pedestrian facilities; Multyfarnham gets €100,000 to improve the existing bridge that divides the village; Tyrrellspass €100,000 to provide pedestrian facilities; while Fore gets €52,000 for the installation of a footpath.
It has been welcomed by Dáil Deputy Peter Burke, whose FG colleague, Minister for Rural and Community Development Michael Ring, announced the funding.
“Many of these projects I have lobbied for and I am glad to see the towns are getting the investment they need and deserve," commented Dep Burke.
" Castletown Geoghegan will receive €100,000 to develop comprehensive pedestrian facilities in the village, as will Tyrrellspass who also receive the same award. Multyfarnham will also receive €100,000 to upgrade the bridge.
"As €100,000 is the maximum award a town can receive under the scheme, I am glad the Minister listened to the need on the ground and provided maximum funding in line with this. Castlepollard will also receive €100,000 to provide walking and cycling facilities, and Fore received €52,000 for the creation of a new footpath in the village.
He said Fine Gael in government is using the benefits of the economic recovery to support the growth and development of rural Ireland, and the Town and Village Renewal Scheme is a key part of the Government’s Action Plan for Rural Development.
The Scheme focuses on projects which can help to enhance rural towns and villages with populations of less than 5,000 people, with a particular emphasis on stimulating economic development.
“Almost €53 million has been approved for more than 670 projects across the country under the Town and Village Renewal Scheme since it was introduced in the second half of 2016. I am glad that we re-introduced this scheme and Minister Ring has chosen to maintain and increase the funding over the past three years," continued Dep Burke.
“Today’s announcement gives a real boost to communities in towns and villages across Westmeath. Investment of up to €100,000 goes a long way in these small towns and villages, with populations less than 5,000. Many would have people believe the Government have forgotten about Rural Ireland.”
Photo: Peter Burke TD with Minister Michael Ring.