Inga Milkeviciute and Danielle Kiernan.

Valentine’s Bake Sale raised €1210 for Tanzanian Heavenly Homes

Valentine’s Bake Sale raised €1210 for Tanzanian Heavenly Homes

Danielle Kiernan and Sinéad Griffith are traveling with John McCauley and a group of 20 others to Tanzania in June.

Danielle, who is an administrator with Newbrook Nursing Home, and Sinéad, who is a nurse, decided to organise a Valentine’s Bake Sale and International Food Day on Friday last in both Newbrook and Newbrook Lodge.

“We are going out with John and will be volunteering both in the orphanage and with the elderly. It will be mine and Sinéad’s first time in Tanzania and we really decided to go along after we first heard of the amazing work John was doing out there,” Danielle says.

“John took photos for us last year of our summer party for the residents and we got chatting about his charity. We were so blown away by what he was doing that we decided to hold a sponsored walk for our residents along the canal and give the money to John’s charity. We then spoke to our CEO here in Newbrook and the company are sponsoring us to go out in June. We are getting all the residents involved here, they have pen pals and are sending out photos, and they are all knitting blankets that we can take out with us.

“We had our Valentine’s Cake Sale on Friday, and because we have so many international staff, we decided to hold and International Food Day, and every staff member donated something baked. People from Poland and Slovakia donated baked goods from their countries and it was a huge hit.

“We’d also like to say thank you to Buckley’s SuperValu and to Fraynes in Mullingar, who also donated goods.

“In total, between Newbrook and Newbrook Lodge, we raised €1,210 which will also go towards John’s charity,” Danielle said.