Mullingar Hospital lifts restriction on partners attending deliveries

Regional Hospital Mullingar

Restrictions Lifted on Partners Attending Delivery of New Born Babies

Regional Hospital Mullingar has lifted the restriction on partners attending the delivery of their child, which was introduced last week in light of the Covid 19 crisis.

However, restrictions are still in place for ante-natal, post-natal and theatre units. Partners will be called to attend the delivery unit approximately one half hour prior to the birth of their baby.

The restriction was introduced because of concern about potential patient infection and concern that infection of any members of the small staff at Mullingar could have an impact on the service provided to patients. However, we are thankful that to date, there has been a very low incidence of infection in the unit, and the Hospital therefore believes that it can relax this rule.

The Clinical Lead for Women and Midwifery Staff have worked together with the hospital’s management and with Ireland East Hospital Group including the Executive Director of Women and Children’s Health to put in place protocols which will help protect the safety of expectant mothers and their babies, the staff and partners.

Announcing the move Anita Brennan, General Manager Regional Hospital Mullingar said, “At all times our priority is the provision of safe maternity services for our patients at Mullingar. A pandemic poses a particular challenge to a small unit with a relatively low staff complement. However, it is our judgement that we can now allow partners to attend births, while monitoring carefully the level of infection.

“We are constantly reviewing guidance available, and the situation at the Hospital. However, we are very glad at this point to be able to allow partners attend births at a time when other visiting restrictions remain in place.”

Restrictions will continue to be reviewed on an ongoing basis throughout the Covid 19 crisis. Regional Hospital Mullingar will communicate with all patients should it be necessary for the hospital to tighten restrictions again, but it is their sincere hope that all visitor restrictions due to Covid 19 will be lifted in the near future.