Key West to play Arts Centre
The R and B slash funk/rock band, Key West will return to the Mullingar Arts Centre on Saturday, November 29. Originally a three piece group, featuring classical piano and incredible guitar playing by Glover, the intricate, clever and often socially humorous rap by Luke, and silky smooth but powerful lead vocals by Andy, the trio set off for Los Angeles to create their sound.Working with many local rappers and R"n"B singers the trio began to build a unique sound.Having soaked in everything they could from the music metropolis, Andy, Luke and Glover jetted to Florida to wade into the dance capital of America, Miami. It was in Florida that they met drummer Gary Grant, in a place called Keywest. Gary was drumming in a local blues bar and the quartet rocked the bar in an 'off the cuff' totally unrehearsed jam.So, after returning to Ireland and adding rock guitarist Craig Spain to become a five piece band, the boys built a studio based on what they learned in L.A and began their album.Blending elements of rap, rock, R&B, and funk into one cohesive and melodic sound, Keywest have a diverse appeal based on their impressive musical dexterity.Often touring with indie rock and pop-punk bands, they didn"t fit comfortably into one specific genre, but were received very comfortably by all. Instead of the conventional looped samples and canned beats, Keywest is a 5 piece hip-hop band that uses live instruments and musicians. The band has produced an original hip-hop sound fusing crisp guitar rhythms, deep melodic bass lines, head cracking beats, and conscious lyrics to create a sound that is truly their own.Keywest kick off their album tour 'livin" in the summertime' in September following a second single release. So catch them live in the Mullingar Arts Centre on Saturday, November 29. Tickets are available from the box office on 044 9347777 or from the Arts Centre repception.