Shooting Stars Go Scuba!
On Sunday, May 9 members from both Mullingar Special Olympics and Mullingar Sub Aqua took part in a sponsored try a dive and fun boat trip. At 12 O'clock members gathered at Mullingar swimming pool to try a dive. It gave members of the sub aqua club immense pleasure to see the enthusiasm and great comfort that the Special Members had both on the surface and under the water. Even the prospect of having to manoeuvre with usually cumbersome gear did not phase the participants of the try a dive.Once we had all surfaced from the pool we gathered at Tullaghan on the shore of Lough Owel. The fisheries board we kind enough to allow us to us their facilities for refreshments, for which we are extremely grateful. Once fed and foddered members of both clubs boarded the boat for a trip around the lake, where sites such as the ruins on Church Island and local fishermen were observed. Members of the Mullingar Sub Aqua took immense pleasure and delight in seeing the positive response and interest from the Mullingar Special Olympics Club to the sport of diving, which is held so dearly to the hearts of all our club members. The day was a great success for both club's member who enjoyed it and luckily the rain held off.We would like thank those who sponsored and to ask any of our members that still have sponsorship cards to return them.Once again we would like all who participated and all those who helped make the day such a great success.