Effort to combat Mullingar drugs scourge is formalised
The recently-formed Mullingar Drugs Network (MDN) formally came together last week to elect a committee, in a bid to draw down crucial funding to facilitate a multi-agency fight against drugs problems in Mullingar.The well attended meeting took place at the Westmeath Community Development Limited offices in Mullingar Business Park on Thursday last.Matthew Halligan, Project Development Manager at Mullingar’s Open Door Project, has been at the thick of the formation of Mullingar Drugs Network over the past year. At Thursday’s meeting, he gave local community representatives a run-down of MDN’s activities in recent months.The newly elected committee features RSM Noel O’Callaghan of Columb Barracks, Mullingar as chairman; Westmeath Community Development’s Rosie Monaghan (secretary); Pat Gavin of Aspen Counselling Services, Mullingar (Treasurer) and Matthew Halligan as PRO.Mr. Halligan told the meeting that starting in June, the Mullingar Drugs Network organised a number of information meetings in the town to raise awareness about drug and addiction-related issues, first for the benefit of relevant agencies, and also for parents and teachers.The campaign then went to Castlepollard, and another information night will take place at Coláiste Mhuire, Mullingar on Thursday next, followed by an evening for the Delvin/Clonmellon area at the O’Shaughnessy Handball Centre, Delvin on November 4.Mr. Halligan said that it is the goal of the Mullingar Drugs Network to act as an umbrella for social/community groups, statutory agencies and other community stakeholders, to ensure that everyone is up to date and informed about drugs-related matters in Mullingar.Westmeath Community Development’s James Hennessy, speaking at the meeting, encouraged substance abuse officers to come along to future MDN meetings and information nights.