Teacher Kevin Tormey and caretaker Willie O'Connor plan to walk on fire for their school St Joseph's NS, Rathwire.

Walking on fire for Rathwire!

The launch night for St Joseph’s NS Fire and Fete Day is tonight in Ennis’s Pub in Killucan, where parents and volunteers will hear all about the main event of the day, which will see over 30 people walk on fire, yes, walk on fire, to raise funds for the building of the new school and autism unit.

Principal Shay McCarthy said the entire community have come on board, including representatives from the Golden Years, Scouts, Youth Club, GAA, business community, parents, teachers and even County Councillor John Shaw.

“It’s all happening on May 25, there will be pony rides, dunk-the-principal, bouncy castles, face painting and barbecue because you can’t have a fire walk without burgers on the go as well,” insists Shay, who will be first to set foot on the hot coals.

“There’s a couple of people coming over from England as well so it’s a bit of a Gathering also. It’s a way of saying goodbye to this building because work will be starting on the new site in January,” he explains.

Caretaker at St Joseph’s Rathwire, Willie O’Connor is another man who will be braving the fire walk for what is undoubtedly a good cause.

“It’s mind over matter,” says Willie, whose children also attend the school. “I’ve seen it (fire walk) on the Discovery Channel and I’ve always slagged them off calling them wusses, but I’ve absolutely no worries about it.”

Willie who teaches guitar at the school and is also involved in the Scouts says he has braved worse in the great outdoors.

“It’s for a good cause and there’s a brilliant school spirit here to be fair, the teachers and kids are great. Every euro will help!”

Also taking part is fourth class teacher Kevin Tormey, who trains the school football and hurling teams, and will be representing Bunbrosna GAA on the day.
“It’s important for us in the school to get involved so that the community can come on board as well,” he tells the Westmeath Examiner.

The launch night kicks off at 9pm tonight in Ennis’s, Killucan.