NEW mullingarapp available to download now

Mullingar at your fingertips! And not only is it free, but it might even save you money! Sounds too good to be true? Check out the NEW mullingarapp and see for yourself. The brand new mullingarapp launched this week by The Westmeath Examiner will enable users to immediately view the enormous range of shops, events and services available on your doorstep with just the swipe of a finger. The easy to use app boasts six sections - Food & Drink, Travel/ Stay, Shopping, Serivces, Things to Do & What’s On - which everyone can access on their smartphone, ipad or tablet.

For example, if you are in the mood for a mouth-watering meal, simply choose the ‘Food & Drink’ section and, through the wizardry of GPS, the app locates your position and serves up a menu of nearby restaurants to choose from. It even lists them in order of how close they are. Selecting a particular eatery on the app will instantly reveal its address and contact details should you need to make a reservation. Still not sure where the restaurant is? Select ‘Show on Map’ and a street view map navigating your location to the destination appears. It couldn’t be easier.


Even better, by selecting a restaurant (or any service) through the mullingarapp, you may even discover they have a promotion running, and find a money-off voucher. How’s that for a tasty deal?

In the same fashion, the ‘Travel/ Stay’ section brings up a vast selection of hotels and B&Bs in your vicinity; the ‘Shopping’ section will be a must for anyone looking for a bargain or searching out that must-have product; ‘What’s on’ will enable you to keep up to date with the latest events taking place in your area, while ‘Things to do’ will highlight all the fantastic activities the county has to offer - be it ten-pin bowling or water sports - the list is endless!


To download the mullingarapp on your Apple device click here

To download the mullingarapp on your Android device click here

Alternatively you can search 'Mullingar App' in the Apple & Android stores where you'll find our icon with a picturesque boat scene overlooking Lough Owel.