Marian farrell hypnosis for childbirth

Dr. Grantly Dick-Read was an English obstetrician in the 1920’s when the management of birth pain was handled by knocking the women unconscious with chloroform. After watching a woman refuse chloroform and deliver her baby without trauma or pain, Dr. Dick-Read came to believe that fear and tension were the cause of labour pains.

He noticed that no other animal species experienced suffering, pain or agony during the birth process and hypothesized that a woman’s fear of labour pains caused blood to be filtered away from the uterus, so it could be used by the muscles that would flee if the fear were caused by a dangerous situation (sometimes called the ‘flight-or-fight’ response). As a result, the uterus did not have the oxygen supply it needed to perform efficiently or without pain. He believed that by eliminating the fear, women could return the uterus to its normal function – without pain.

It makes sense based on experts’ understanding of how the body works” says Dr. William Camann, Director of Obstetric Anaesthesia at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts. Dr. Camann notes that anecdotally, he does see benefits. “I’ve seen many patients who’ve used epidurals and hypnosis. This is just a generalisation, but it usually goes better than with the average woman having an epidural”. 

He says “In my experience, the patients are quieter and more relaxed, even if it got to the point where they’re asking for an epidural. It’s a nice environment – I like being present for these births”.

Women have described their feelings about hypnosis during labour as: a sense of relief and consolation, self-confidence, satisfaction, lack of suffering labour pain, changing the feeling of pain into one of pressure, a decrease in fear of natural childbirth, lack of tiredness and lack of anxiety.

They expressed increased concentration on the uterus and cervical muscle, awareness of all the stages of labour and having “positive thoughts”. Births were perceived as being very satisfactory compared to their previous experiences.

Hypnotherapy Ireland offers five sessions in preparation for birth. The first two sessions are for the mother alone and a ‘Relaxation in Pregnancy’ CD is provided for use in between sessions. The birth partner is then invited along for the next two sessions. A ‘Birth Preparation’ CD is given after each session to assist the couple with practice and the final session is preparation for labour including a CD which can be played during the labour itself.

Marian Farrell, Adv.Dip.Hyp., M.I.C.H.P. Tel: (044) 931 8538 / 085 7125814 www.hypnotherapyireland.ieEmail: 



‘Hypnosis for childbirth’ is a birth education programme that teaches relaxation, self-hypnosis, breathing and visualisation techniques to help a woman bring her body into a state of deep relaxation , which can decrease stress and fear during pregnancy and childbirth.

How Hypnosis helps to reduce fear & pain

When under stress, a woman’s uterus contracts and the cervix tightens. The greater the fear, the more intense the muscular reaction and the harder the uterus must work to force the cervix open during labour.

Medicinal anaesthesia breaks the fear-tension-pain cycle at the point of pain. Hypnosis breaks the cycle at the fear-tension point, before the body experiences pain.

Some researchers believe that hypnosis encourages the release of mood enhancing chemicals which change the way the body perceives pain. Other researchers believe that hypnosis causes the frontal limbic system of the brain to inhibit pain impulses from the thalamus to the cortex.


Advantages to using Hypnosis for Childbirth

-Eliminates the fear-tension-pain syndrome before, during & after birthing.

-Reduces the need for chemical painkillers.

-Reduces fatigue during labour, leaving mother fresh, awake and with more energy for the actual birthing.

-Eliminates risk of hyperventilation from shallow breathing methods.

-More rapid postnatal recovery.

-Creates a more integral role for the birthing companion.

 Marian Farrell, Adv.Dip.Hyp., M.I.C.H.P. Tel: (044)9318538 / 085-7125814 Email:

“I attended Marian during my first pregnancy. When the time came in the labour room, my partner (who was made very welcome at my sessions) kept reminding me of my cues & I kept my focus on the concepts of the sessions – that I was able for this & that my body was designed for this. I managed to keep my mind on the job & delivered my daughter in 3½ hours without epidural. I really enjoyed the balance of medical expertise with hypnotherapy. I’d definitely recommend it!!” Amy, Clontarf, Dublin