Whelehans Pharmacys Trish Wallace: Tontouring


Sculpted cheekbones and contouring within an inch of our lives is great for nights out or days where you have 2 hours to get ready and want to look flawless, but what about the days when you are late getting up, have kids to get to school or just couldn’t be bothered putting on multiple layers of foundation and concealer? Lucky for us, top make-up artists have made life a little easier with “Tontouring”. This trend takes a little practise but when you have it nailed, it will change your makeup routine forever.

Here are my 3 simple steps to Tontouring:

Products mentioned in this article is available in Whelehans Pharmacy

Written by Trish Wallace, Beauty Consultant at Whelehans Pharmacy Mullingar. For skincare and makeup tips and advice including free consultations, call in to Whelehans or call us at 04493 34591 or check www.whelehans.ie