North Westmeath Hospice Heroes Margaret Henson, Mary Winterlich, Anne O'Sullivan and Madeline Daly with RTÉ presenter, Mary Kennedy.

North Westmeath Hospice Sunflower Hero winners

Hospice Sunflower Days – Friday June 9 and Saturday June 10

Anne O’Sullivan, Margaret Henson and Mary Winterlich have received ‘Hospice Heroes’ awards for their dedication to North Westmeath Hospice.

Anne, Margaret and Mary have, collectively, been involved in the hospice for almost 30 years and were among 23 volunteers honoured for their contribution to the hospice movement.

RTÉ’s Mary Kennedy made the presentations in the Mansion House, Dublin at the national launch of Hospice Sunflower Days – Friday June 9 and Saturday June 10.

The Irish Hospice Foundation (IHF) co-ordinates the event on behalf of the hospice movement, including North Westmeath Hospice, and all funds raised stay local.

A spokesperson for North Westmeath Hospice said: “Anne, a talented florist and twice winner of the All Ireland Floral Art Design Competition, brings unique talents to the group.

“Every season, she dresses the window of our offices in Mary Street, Mullingar and her beautiful displays cause quite a stir. She also runs a great coffee mornings at her local shopping centre.

“Anne lost three family members within 11 months, and during that time the local Palliative Care Services were very supportive.

“Following that tough time in her life, Anne made a promise to herself to give something back and now feels it is a privilege to be involved with the North Westmeath Fundraising Committee.”

Margaret was nominated because: “[She] has been involved with hospice for 14 years and because of her complete dedication and love for the service.

“Her coffee mornings and cake sales have continued success. She is helpful, kind and caring and always willing.

“Margaret’s father died of cancer and she found a personal link to the hospice and feels it can help others through difficult times.”

Of Mary, the spokesperson said: “Mary is a very active member of the local fundraising committee in Mullingar. She contributes in a multitude of ways to the success of the group and always offers to help at whatever event is being organised.

“Local people will know her as she regularly takes care of our public office on Mary Street, Mullingar. Mary retired recently and having worked all of her life she wanted to give back to the community. Above all, Mary is compassionate, charming and has a very winning smile.”

Money raised from the Sunflower Days is used to support the local Palliative Care Team. In 2016, this team provided services to more than 300 individuals and families in the area.

A national survey commissioned by the IHF revealed that 75% of Irish people want to die at home – but only one in four gets to do so.

This is where Sunflower Days funds will help with the provision of hospice services in your area.

Speaking at the launch, Mary Kennedy said: “Hearing the heroes’ stories was inspiring. The feeling of human kindness was tangible and their dedication uplifting. Without the commitment of these men and women end of life would have been very different for many people and loved ones.

“I’m encouraging everyone to support Sunflower Days. By simply buying a sunflower from one of our volunteers you are helping to bring comfort and dignity to people at end of life.”

Pat Quinlan, chief executive officer of Milford Care Centre and Chair of the Voluntary Hospices Group, said: “People matter and Hospice Care improves the lives of many who have a life-limiting condition in allowing them to live their lives as fully as possible right up to the moment of death.

“Hospice care is also about supporting families and loved ones up to and through bereavement in what is clearly a most challenging period in their lives. Thousands of people receive hospice care annually and funds raised through Sunflower Days helps meet this growing need. Hospices therefore are more reliant than ever on the goodwill of wonderful supporters and volunteers.

“We are asking people to please support their local hospice service so that patients and families can get help at a time of greatest need.

“Sunflower Days is a vital source of funding for local hospice services and every euro received can make a difference so please donate or if you have a few hours to spare please consider volunteering for your local hospice on the day.”

• See or email Veronica Larkin