Council wants to jazz up town centre - and make Mount Street one way



The suggestions form part of a proposed €3m Urban Regeneration Project for Mullingar that is now to go out to public consultation, and for a perspective from the business community.

Other key changes suggested by the consultants who drew up the plan include the reversal of the traffic flow in Dominick Place (beside Dolan's Pub), and that Martin's Lane (beside John Daly's pub) be turned into a cul de sac.

The document also suggests that traffic lights be introduced between Castle Street and Pearse Street and that vehicles emerging from Church Avenue be allowed make a right turn, something currently not possible. In addition, an “Intelligent traffic light system” is proposed to improve right turns from Austin Friars Street to Millmount.

Among the aims of the plan are enhancement of the three town centre civic areas at Dominick Square, Market Square, Castle St/ Pearse St Junction and to encourage motorists to use the ring road rather than travel through the town centre,

The plan is the work of RPS Consulting Engineers, and during Monday's presentation, councillors were told it is expected that construction work for this project will commence in Jan 2018 and be completed by Summer 2018.

The consultants were specifically asked to look at the creation of a public space at the Pearse Street-Castle Street junction; a public space at Market Square – including Mount street enhancement; enhancement of Dominick Square; and of considering the Blackhall Street linkages to car parks.

The work was commissioned witih a view to promoting quality in the public spaces and routes by ensuring they are attractive, safe, uncluttered and work effectively for all in society, including people with disabilities and elderly people.

