Niall Eivers in Kenya.

Ballynacargy brothers organise Christmas tree sales and delivery for charity

Louis Eivers and Vinny Eivers, brothers from Ballynacargy, are organising a Christmas charity tree purchase and delivery service this year in the Mullingar area. 

They are working to raise money for a charity they feel passionate about, Restart Africa, an orphanage in Kenya where their other brother, Niall, worked earlier this year.

The service, which was carried out two years ago on a smaller scale, will aim to take the hassle out of Christmas tree shopping, as the cost of the tree (€50) includes delivery at a time and date of convenience to the shopper.
Louis Eivers said: “This is a great time of year for celebrations and festivities; however, it is also a good time to give something back to those less fortunate.

“Our Christmas tree run was successful last time, and raised €1,200 for Childline, and as a result, we decided to aim for bigger impact this time.

“Most of us buy Christmas trees, so why not buy from us? We use a local provider, who kindly provides the trees to us at a heavily discounted rate”.

“Our brother Niall, who worked in the Kenyan orphanage, was really touched by the modest resources available to them. 

“With the help of households in the Mullingar area, we hope to raise much needed funds to help support the local school, and in turn support the children to get access to education.”

To order a tree or for further information visit @xmastrees4charity on Facebook or email