Almost 100 fined for parking in disabled bays
Just under a hundred motorists were prosecuted in this area during 2017 for parking in a disabled bay without having a permit, members of the Mullingar Municipal District were informed during their monthly meeting in March.
In response to a query raised by Cllr Sorca Clarke, who asked how many parking fines have been issued since 2014 for parking in a designated disabled bay, MMD replied that there were 55 fines issued in 2014; 83 in 2015; 96 in 2016 and 98 last year.
The figures surprised Cllr Clarke, who said the problem was widespread.
“98 seems exceptionally low,” she said, pointing out that if anyone were to check outside Westmeath County Council’s own offices any weekend, they could give out probably half that amount in a single afternoon alone.
“It’s hugely inconsiderate,” said Cllr Clarke of the actions of those who use the disabled spaces without being entitled to.
“It restricts access to amenities for those with disabilities.”
Cllr Clarke asked if there was any “grace period” for those breaching the rules, and she also asked what percentage the fines to those in breach represents out of all the parking fines issued.
“No,” replied council director of services Martin Murray. “It’s the one area in which there’s zero tolerance.”
The overall number of fines was approximately 5,500, Cllr Clarke was informed.