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Home Instead: Benefits for older people (part two)

Following up from Last Article, Othere payments available to older people are:

Fuel Allowance:
A Fuel Allowance is a payment under the National Fuel Scheme to help with the cost of heating your home during the winter months. It is paid to people who are dependent on long-term social welfare payments and who are unable to provide for their own heating needs. Only one Fuel Allowance is paid to a household. Fuel Allowance is generally paid with your social welfare payment on the day that you are usually paid. The Fuel Allowance is €22.50 per week for 28 weeks. For more information, Locall 1890 500 500 or 071 915 7100. Alternatively, ask for application form NFS1 at your local post office or text FORM FUEL with your name and address to 51909.

● Adult Dependant: You can get an increase in your pension payment for an adult dependant (called a qualified adult).

● Child Dependants: You can also get an increase in your pension payment for child dependants (called qualified children)

How to Apply for these Benefits.
You can request a copy of your social insurance record through www.MyWelfare.ie. To do this, you need your PPS (Personal Public Service) Number. You can get a State Pension (Contributory) form from your local post offi ce and your Intreo Centre or Social Welfare Branch Offi ce. You should apply three months before the age of 66. However, if you have paid social insurance contributions in more than one country, you should apply six months before reaching 66. If you are currently getting a State Pension Contributory and wish to apply for an Increase for a Qualifi ed Adult for your spouse, civil partner or cohabitant, you should fi ll out form SPCQA1. Note that any increase for a qualifi ed adult that you may qualify for will be paid directly to your spouse, civil partner or cohabitant, unless they state that they wish to have it paid to you. You may qualify for Supplementary Welfare Allowance if there is a delay in processing your claim. Late claims for contributory pensions can be backdated for a maximum of six months. This applies to State Pension (Contributory and Transition) and Widow’s, Widower’s or Surviving Civil Partner’s (Contributory) Pension. Questions about your eligibility for a State Pension (Contributory) should be addressed to your Intreo Centre or Social Welfare Branch Offi ce or to the Department of Employment Affairs & Social Protection, Social Welfare Services, College Road, Sligo, Ireland. This offi ce does not offer a service to personal callers. All queries must be made using the online enquiry form, by telephone or in writing. Tel: (071) 915 7100 (If calling from outside the Republic of Ireland please call + 353 71 915 7100). Locall: 1890 500 000 (Note: the rates charged for using 1890 (Locall) numbers may vary) Homepage: www.welfare.ie

Centenaian Bounty
The Centenarian Bounty is a national award made by the Irish president to people who have reached 100 years of age. You will receive €2,540 and a congratulatory letter signed by the President on your 100th birthday. The Centenarian Bounty is usually awarded on behalf of the President by a local member of the clergy or friend of the centenarian. The centenarian can also request that the letter and the President’s bounty be sent directly to themselves without a presentation ceremony.