‘Midlands Through Our Eyes’ launched at Castlepollard Library
Photo shows, Mark Wiseman, Hazel Revinton-Cross and Peter Nagy at the launch of ‘Midlands Through Our Eyes’ in Castlepollard Library.
The photography exhibition ‘Midlands Through Our Eyes’ was opened on Wednesday October 9 last in Castlepollard Library, when Hazel Revington-Cross from Purple Raven Art gallery, Crowenstown, performed the honours.
It was a first time exhibiting for both Peter Nagy and Mark Wiseman and the event was well supported.
Peter’s work is a mixture of local landscapes and lake scenes taken using drone photography and including Tullynally castle, Killua castle and some of the beautiful lakes of the area.
Mark’s focus was on local wildlife as well as farm animals, and he had on show some close up shots of the native kingfisher, the red squirrel and the fox.
The exhibition runs until October 21 during library opening hours.
Peter and Mark would like to thank those who came along on the night helping to make it a such an enjoyable evening.