Poor weather conditions pose risk to potato harvest

There is a severe risk that much of the potato crop will not be harvested if the wet weather continues, according to the IFA National Potato chairman, Thomas McKeown.

Nationally, only 30% of the potato crop is harvested. Normally, it’s closer to 60% at this time of year.

Due to wet conditions, harvesting losses will be higher which will result in lower saleable yields.

In the north east, where half of the national crop is sown, growers have experienced almost double the normal average rainfall in August and September.

Harvesting of the main crop in this region is three weeks behind last year.

National potato acreage, at 8,100 ha is the second lowest on record, and only 3% above last year’s all-time low of 7,900ha.

The IFA National Grain chairman Mark Browne said there is an impending problem with a large number of tillage farmers who don’t have winter cereals planted yet.

Some 80,000 ha of winter barley was planted last year, but that figure will not be achieved this season.

At the moment, there is scarcely 20% of the normal area planted.

In some areas, it’s less than 5%.

Farmers in general held off until October due to the risks of BYDV, but there hasn’t been a planting window since the week of the National Ploughing Championships.

There will be issues with farmers complying with the nitrates directive i.e. farmers are required to establish a green cover within six weeks of ploughing, cultivation or when using a non-selective herbicide.

Also, could be difficulties with farmers complying with greening requirements (three-crop rule) if they can’t plant their winter crops.

Unless there is a significant weather window next week to allow progress for planting, a sizeable area will remain unsown.

There is a cut-off date for planting for most ground around the first week of November.

After that the risks of crop failure or poor yield increase substantially. Economically, it will be more profitable to plant spring cereals than winter cereals.

Due to these circumstances the DAFM should grant a derogation for these farmers where ground was ploughed or burned off.

“It wouldn’t make sense to force these farmers to plant into November where the ground conditions are unsuitable, as it increases the chances of crop failure,” MR Browne said.