Reasons you should consider ‘Practical Philosophy’ course

The ‘Introductory Course in Practical Philosophy’ consists of a non-academic practical application of philosophical ideas and is open to all.

There are no entry requirements, no exams, no pressure – just a unique opportunity to spend time looking at what really matters and offering practical tools to deal with the everyday stresses of life.

In short, our Introductory Course in Practical Philosophy can give you the knowledge you need to live a happier and more fulfilling life.

They are offering a 10-week course for the special price of €10 in more than 20 locations across Ireland and Northern Ireland, including Mullingar.

Students will have the opportunity to discuss different ways of thinking about practical situations and work with these ideas, using simple weekly practices and guidelines.

Fifty years of experience in the school in Ireland has shown that working in this way does make a difference.

The course ‘Introduction to Practical Philosophy’ starts in The Greville Arms Hotel, Mullingar, on Thursday January 16 (7.30-9.30pm) and is presented by the School of Philosophy and Economic Science.

For more information and booking, see

Places are limited so you’re advised to book early online.