Mullingar hospital eases restrictions in maternity unit
Midlands Regional Hospital Mullingar has further eased restrictions on partners attending the deliveries of their children.
All birth partners can now attend the labour ward when their partners are in active labour. Birth partners of mothers who have planned Caesarean Sections can now see and hold their babies on return to the ward following the births of their children. However, restrictions are still in place for theatre units.
In a statement released yesterday morning, the hospital said that its “priority remains the provision of safe maternity services for all patients at Mullingar”.
“The ongoing nature of Covid-19 will continue to pose a particular challenge to a small unit with a relatively low staff complement.
“However, the hospital is very pleased that, at this time, the Maternity Department can now allow partners to attend non caesarian section births and all partners are able to experience the very important and precious time, holding their new born baby shortly after their birth.
“Restrictions were introduced because of concern about potential patient infection and concern that infection of any members of the small staff at Mullingar could have an impact on the service provided to patients.
“However, we are thankful that to date, there continues to be a very low incidence of infection in the unit, and the Hospital therefore believes that it can further relax the restrictions.
“Restrictions will continue to be reviewed on an ongoing basis throughout the Covid-19 crisis.
“Regional Hospital Mullingar will communicate with all patients should it be necessary for the hospital to tighten restrictions again.
“It remains the hospital’s sincere hope that all visitor restrictions due to Covid-19 will be lifted in the near future.”