Green Party approves Programme for Government

No Green Party TD, Senator, MEP or MLA has voted against the Programme for Government.

In a statement tonight, the Green Party said its parliamentary party had met tonight and its 12 TDs had taken a decision to accept the Programme for Government by nine votes in favour with three abstentions.

It said indicative votes were also taken of the Green Party Senators, MEPs and one MLA. The group, including indicative votes, recorded 13 votes in favour and four abstentions.

The Programme for Government will now be referred to the party membership for ratification.

The party said members who register for an online Special Convention or who apply for an absentee ballot will now have to the opportunity to vote on the Programme for Government. Members will receive information shortly from the Green Party Head Office on how to register online for the Special Convention or apply for a vote.

The membership of the Green Party will now have the chance to vote on the deal and each member’s vote will have the same weight as any TD, Senator, MEP or MLA.

The breakdown of the vote was as follows:

Eamon Ryan TD Yes

Catherine Martin TD Yes

Ossian Smyth TD Yes

Joe O’Brien TD Yes

Steven Matthews TD Yes

Malcolm Noonan TD Yes

Roderic O’Gorman TD Yes

Marc O Cathasaigh TD Yes

Brian Leddin TD Yes

Neasa Hourigan TD Abstain

Francis Noel Duffy TD Abstain

Patrick Costello TD Abstain

Pippa Hackett Sen Yes

Pauline O’Reilly Sen Yes

Grace O’Sullivan MEP Yes

Ciaran Cuffe MEP Yes

Clare Bailey MLA Abstain