Please wear masks and pre-book tickets says Local Link

Local Link users have been asked to pre-book their tickets and only use the service for essential journeys.

Due to physical distancing guidelines, Local Link has had to reduce the capacity on its buses. Local Link manager Damien O'Neill says that the reduction in capacity means that it is absolutely necessary to pre-book seats.

“Our passengers are still able to travel on Local Link services at peak times for essential trips such as medical appointments and grocery shopping, passengers should only travel at off-peak times provided that capacity is available and they are not availing of seats required by other passengers for essential trips. Pre-booking seats is essential in this instance for Door-to-Door services.

“Local Link services provide passengers in rural areas with essential transportation, especially during the pandemic when family or friends are unable to assist their loved ones due to social distancing measures. That means its vital that seats are pre-booked on our Demand Responsive Services (DRT) which some people may know as ‘Door-to-Door’ services, as capacity is restricted and there are few seats available.”

As with all public transport journeys, Local Link is asking passengers to ensure that their journeys are essential so that social distancing requirements are met on all services

“Local Link is asking all our passengers to book seats with us for essential journeys and only essential journeys. It is such an important message that when we have reduced capacity the available seats are for essential travel. We really appreciate our passengers’ understanding in this matter and the efforts being made to call ahead and pre book their seat”

“We are also asking our passengers to wear face coverings on all our services. Enhanced daily cleaning regimes are in place on all services, and its also important that is a passenger is experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19 they should stay at home.

“Face coverings are recommended in situations where social distancing is not possible, for example in shops and on busy public transport, or if you are meeting someone who is vulnerable to the virus, for example people who are cocooning. Wearing cloth face coverings may help prevent people who do not know they have the virus from spreading it to others,” explained Damien.

“As the Taoiseach said: If you are in situations where social distancing is difficult, such as on public transport or in shops, please wear a face covering. It’s also a good idea to wear one when you are visiting someone who is vulnerable to the virus. In this way, we can help to reduce the spread of the virus, which is more important than ever as our country continues to reopen.”