Council green light for 98-unit Charlestown estate
One of the largest housing developments proposed for Mullingar in some time has been given the green light by Westmeath County Council.
The development is to see 98 residential units built on a site close to the Royal Canal at Charlestown on the western side of Mullingar.
Developers Lampbell Ltd c/o McGill Planning Ltd, 45 Herbert Lane, Dublin 2, were last week granted permission for the development by Westmeath County Council.
Their plan is to build 24 terraced houses, 20 semi-detached houses and 54 duplex units.
Also planned for is a creche, a 'community facility' 142 car parking spaces, 102 bicycle spaces and eight motorcycles spaces.
The list of conditions attached to the grant of planning permission by the council includes one requiring that the development be built in phases and that the first phase include construction of the creche and community centre.
In addition, prior to the commencement of the development, agreement has to be reached with the local authority on the developers' Part V obligations regarding the provision of social and affordable housing.
A further condition is that an archaeological appraisal of the site be carried out and that there be a suitably qualified archaeologist to assess and monitor all site development works.
The council's assessment of the development contribution liable is €147,250.44, and on top of that is to be levied a further €120,387.60 as a supplementary development contribution in respect of public infrastructure.
The developer is also required to pay the sum of €48,900 as a contribution to the cost of supplying a cyclepath/footpath on the town side of the development.
Prior to commencement of the development a cash deposit or a bond of €594,000 has to be lodged with Westmeath County Council to secure the satisfactory completion of the development.