Minister Peter Burke

Community helplines still open for over 70s and medically vulnerable

Minister Peter Burke, along with government colleagues, has commended local authorities, State agencies and bodies and the community and voluntary sector for their ongoing work as part of the Community Call Fora.

The Community Call Fora have been providing vital practical support such as the collection and delivery of essential food and medicines to those cocooning, as well as support for those experiencing isolation as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

A Community Call Forum exists in each local authority area.

“I want to remind all who may need help or support – particularly those over 70, the medically vulnerable who currently face restrictions - that the Community Call fora helplines are open to help,” commented The Minister for Local Government and Planning, Peter Burke, TD.

Since 31 March, the thirty-one Community Call Fora have: answered approximately 54,000 calls; made approximately 21,000 follow-up calls to citizens; and held over 460 meetings in total.

Calls to dedicated helplines have related to the collection and delivery of essential items, health services, social isolation, meals and other issues.

Since 9 March, the national charity ALONE, which has partnered each COVID-19 Community Call Forum, has received over 29,000 calls and provided various supports. These have included approximately 1,200 collections and deliveries of food and about 1,400 social isolation supports.

Minister Burke continued:

“The speed with which these fora were established and the service provided by each local authority has shown the true value of local government in Ireland.

“Staff have worked night and day to help citizens and ensure nobody was left behind during some difficult days.

More information on the work done by the Community Call Fora (including data at forum – local authority area - level), ALONE and other partners, is available on the Community Call data hub: