Communion dates out

The dates for the rescheduled communion ceremonies for Mullingar parish’s schools have been published.

In total, fifteen ceremonies will be held at the Cathedral of Christ the King and at St Paul’s from September 23 to cater for the communion children from nine schools.

Families are being advised that a maximum of five people per family is being permitted to attend each Mass. In a further Covid-driven break with tradition, all the ceremonies are on weekday evenings at 6.30pm.

The schedule will see the children from St Colman’s make their communion at St Paul’s at one of three ceremonies on September 23, 24 or 25. Those same dates, at the Cathedral, communion for the children of Presentation school will be held.

The children from St Mary’s will make their communion on Septemer 29 and 30 at the Cathedral; followed on October 1 by children from St Brigid’s and on October 2 by the children from Gaelscoil an Choilin.

At St Paul’s on September 29 it will be the turn of children from Curraghmore, followed on September 30 by the pupils of Gaelscoil an Mhuillin; on October 1 by Gainstown’s pupils; on October 2 by the children of St Kenny NS and on October 6 by children who have come through the Parish Preparation Programme.

The confirmation candidates from the schools in the Mullingar area will all have their big day this Wednesday, during a day-long series of ceremonies at the Cathedral.

Schools have each been allocated time slots for their particular classes, and the ceremonies are expected to last between 45 minutes and an hour.

There will be no celebration of the sacrament of the Eucharist.

There is a ban on the use of recording equipment or the taking of photographs during the ceremony.

Following each ceremony, Bishop Deenihan will be available for photographs at Our Lady’s statue in the cathedral grounds or St. Patrick’s Chapel.