Bio energy facility given the green light
(Above) File pic.
Planning permission has been granted for a bio energy facility in The Downs.
The successful application by local businessman Thomas Flynn's firm Bio Agrigas Ltd includes details for the development of two anaerobic digesters, five pre-storage tanks, two post digestion storage tanks and an ESB substation as well as a reception building, an administration building, a weighbridge, an on-site waste water treatment system and a new entrance road.
The plant will use anaerobic digestion to convert organic matter, such as farm and food waste into methane rich biogas, which will be used to generate renewable electricity. The waste material produced during the process is nutrient rich and can be used as a fertiliser.
The council received two third party submissions in which concerns were raised about a number of issues including air pollution, increased traffic and the proximity of the development to residential properties.
In the planner's report, Westmeath County Council said that the development is “consistent with national, regional and local policy and the proper planning and sustainable development of the area”.