Valerie McHugh, co-ordinator NCCWN Mullingar; Maureen Murtagh, development worker, NCCWN Mullingar; Valerie Walsh, childcare manager, Women’s Community Project, Mullingar; Eimear Mooney, assistant childcare manager, Women’s Community Project, Mullingar; along with learners and staff, photographed last Friday morning at the Parish Community Centre with copies of the letter they are sending to TDs as part of their campaign.

NCCWN call on government to ease maternity restrictions

Expectant mothers have being asking the Women’s Networks in Mullingar to lobby the government in a bid to have Covid-19 restrictions in maternity services eased.

Valerie McHugh, co-ordinator of the National Collective of Community based Women’s Networks (NCCWN) locally, said a pregnant woman who contacted her branch – and wants to remain anonymous – said:

“I have complied with Covid-19 guidelines throughout my pregnancy, but this is my first pregnancy and I have to attend my appointments and scans alone.

“It is an emotional and scary time for me and I think now, more than ever, I need the support of my partner during my appointment and scan visits.

“I also fear due to the restriction on the time my partner can spend with me during the birth, he will not get to the hospital on time for the birth of our child.”

The NCCWN is calling on the government to ease Covid-19 restrictions in maternity services and allow birthing partners to be present at all pregnancy related appointments, scans, full labour and births as soon as possible.

The appeal follows pleas to many of the 17 NCCWN projects nationally from upset and vulnerable parents-to-be who say they are being left alone and with no support during pregnancy appointments, labour and in some cases when giving birth.

The NCCWN has also recorded instances where people have had to receive the devastating news that their pregnancy is not viable and have had to miscarry without a loved one present.

NCCWN Mullingar staff, who work with women experiencing multiple forms of marginalisation and disadvantage, are concerned for the wellbeing of anyone currently pregnant or who becomes pregnant in the near future, and is left with the added stress and fear of having no support when engaging with maternity services.

Additionally, NCCWN Mullingar are asking concerned members of the public to get involved in their letter writing campaign and contact local TDs via post or email to let them know that this treatment of pregnant women is unjust and will no longer be tolerated. Information on the campaign and a template letter can be found on the NCCWN website and on their social media platforms.

National co-ordinator of NCCWN, Miriam Holt, said: “We, like most of the country, watched the government launch their Plan for Living with Covid-19 and were dismayed to see that pregnant mothers and maternity services were not included or mentioned once.

“It is unacceptable to expect people to attend their appointments and start labour completely alone. We are especially concerned for first time parents, women who may be extra vulnerable such as those who do not speak English, are from ethnic minorities, and anyone with medical or underlying conditions.

“We are calling on the government to ease restrictions and allow birthing partners to be a part of the entire experience and we are asking if members of the public feel the same to please join this campaign and contact their local political representatives and let them know.”

A template letter can be found on the NCCWN website or the Women’s Community Project website or Facebook Page. NCCWN are hopeful that members of the public will step up and join them in this important campaign.