Music Matters with Brian Mullen
By Conor Halpin
Brian Mullen lives in Athboy and is well known on the social dancing scene as part of ‘The Mullen Brothers’ band along with his brother Tommy. I caught up with Brian to see how he was getting on during the pandemic.
What drew you to the music industry?
I spent many years being busy in motorsport but then in 2013 I had a bad accident and decided that I would start learning some songs over the period [of recuperation] as it was always something I wanted to pursue.
I would have always looked up to my brother Tommy and my other brother’s band, and always wanted to follow in their musical footsteps.
What music artists were you influenced by growing up?
My main influence was Garth brooks, but all country music was in my favour as it always was listened to it in the family home.
What challenges did the lockdown bring to you as an artist?
I coped well, and my family keeps me busy – and my music is heard by my fans when I do my Facebook live shows so that keeps me active with the music and in touch with fans and followers.
How do you balance your music with other obligations?
My diary is great, as once I have a booking I can work around it, but I take plenty of weekends off playing the music as my kids are small and I like to give time to my family.
Is there any new music in the pipeline for fans and followers to look forward to?
I am in the middle of recording a new song and have two more songs in the pipeline and coming out soon, but it takes time and money to produce the songs and to be able to finance the recordings.
What would be your advice for upcoming artists starting in the music scene?
My advice for the young and upcoming musicians is to get out there and let your talent be heard.
Any song that I have released has gone well and once people enjoy my music, I am happy to continue performing for them.