Zoe Collins' hand painted Christmas Cards will raise money for the Tanzanian Heavenly Homes appeal

Zoe’s hand painted cards will raise funds for Tanzania charity

Zoe Collins has hand painted heart-warming Christmas Cards depicting scenes featuring polar bears, fox cubs, penguins and the like, in aid of the Tanzanian Heavenly Homes appeal.

The Mullingar girl travelled to Tanzania in 2019 and saw first hand the fantastic work that was being done out there through the work of the Mullingar charity. Zoe in turn wanted to do her bit to raise some funds this Christmas.

The cards have now gone on sale locally in Fagan Office Supplies, Red Earth and Mullingar Pewter, and Zoe explains how the theme of the cards represent a hug.

“Really I wanted them to be able to represent a hug because I think this year everyone could do with one, especially with people who might not get to visit their family this Christmas, or who might be away from home, so I wanted that sense of sending them a virtual hug,” Zoe told the Westmeath Examiner.

“I think it’s really important to be able to give back whenever you can to an organisation or charity you believe in.

“I chose Tanzanian Heavenly Homes because I have travelled to Tanzania and have seen the terrific work John McCauley has done out there through the support of the people in Mullingar.

“It’s truly breathtaking to see how many people’s lives have improved and the joy that this charity has brought to so many children, so many elderly people and so many families,” she said.

“These people have nothing. The poverty rate is just so high and to be able to provide food and running water, clothes and shoes, school uniforms and books, houses and buildings to other human beings means the absolute world to them and they are forever grateful to the people in Mullingar who have been so kind.

“I think it really puts things into perspective for us that we are so lucky to live in a wealthy country, where running clean water, food, clothes, and shelter are things someone in Ireland will always be provided with.

“Christmas is a time for caring and giving what you can to support others so that’s why I’m asking people to purchase a pack of cards.

“The cards are €10 for a pack of eight, and that €10 can go such a long way for the people in Tanzania,” Zoe said.