Celebrate reaching 21 during 2021
THANKS to everybody who got in touch with us to date.
This will be a year like no other and with the restrictions in place for the foreseeable future, the opportunities for families and friends to gather for big birthday celebrations are on ice for now.
Here at The Westmeath Examiner we didn't want to let another year pass without being able to mark some of these great occasions in some small way.
With '21 in 21', we want to mark the birthdays of all our wonderful young people turning 21 in 2021, and we have got a great response to the initiative.
We're also aware of a lot of families with other significant birthdays and anniversaries being celebrated at the same time, so we're happy to accommodate those too.
If you have a special someone at home about to get the 'key of the door' – or have already done so - let us know and we'll feature them in our '21 in 21' coverage in the paper.
Here's what you need to do:
Email us a good quality photo(s) of the birthday star as they are now and of when they were a baby. (We don't want any rows so best tell them what you're up to if sending in!)
Add a little message or a line or two about them and what they're up to. Don't forget to tell us where you're from and add a phone number in case we need to contact you.
Emails ONLY to rodney.farry@westmeathexaminer.ie