New Meals on Wheels map service launched
Demand for Meals on Wheels was increasing prior to the pandemic, but increased significantly during this time.
Irish Rural Link (IRL)– the national network representing the interest of rural communities, launched its new Meals on Wheels Network website and Interactive Service Map.
The Minister for Mental Health and Older People, Mary Butler officially launched the Website and Map at an outdoor event in Dr Martins Day Care Centre, Portlaw, County Waterford.
The National Meals on Wheels network was established under the umbrella of IRL in 2015.
The aim of the network is to provide a local, community led professional facility to assist people who require services to maintain optimum health, independence with strong life extending possibilities.
Demand for Meals on Wheels was increasing prior to the pandemic, but increased significantly during this time.
With an ageing population, demand is expected to continue to increase in the coming years.
Meals on Wheels is more than just a meal. It also helps reduce isolation and loneliness with a social element to it. Meals on Wheels aligns with many of the objectives of Sláintecare – the government’s new healthcare framework – providing health and social care in the community and allowing people to age in their own home.
Anyone wanting to avail of Meals on Wheels can check out the map on the website on Any service provider who would like to join the network can do so through the website also or contact Irish Rural Link on 090 6482744.