Climate council report ignores positive benefits of suckler farming - INHFA

THE Irish Natura & Hill Farmers Association (INHFA) have taken issue with the report issued by the Climate Change Advisory Council (CCAC) on our carbon budgets to 2030.

The report issued on Monday proposes a major reduction in the country's suckler herd as a means of delivering on our carbon targets.

Commenting on this, INHFA national president Vincent Roddy said proposals to reduce the suckler herd to as low as 200,000 cows in one of the five scenarios outlined ignores the positive benefit of extensive farming systems as practised by the country's suckler farmers.

In outlining this, Mr. Roddy pointed to an EU Commission report published in September 2019 that verified this fact. “This report, which was developed by 23 key stakeholders from 13 different countries across Europe, including Deirdre Hennessy from Ireland, provides a detailed insight into sustainable grazing and its impact in sequestering carbon.”

When assessing how our farming systems impact on climate change it is, he said, 'vital that we take on board all of the science and not what suits a particular ideology'.

Said Mr. Roddy: “The Grazing for Carbon Report is there for all to view and I would even at this late stage ask the CCAC to study it carefully and not be afraid to review their suggestions after they conduct this task.”

In concluding, he outlined how the INHFA are currently assessing the CCAC report and its impact not just for farming but the wider rural economy. When completed they will provide a detailed and considered view and outline any possible actions.