Mullingar Tidy Towns chairperson Bill Collentine receiving the bronze medal the group won in the SuperValu National Tidy Towns competition from Aisling Colman, office manager, Mullingar of Chamber. Also present were some of the Mullingar Tidy Towns team (from left) John, Isolde, Graham, Declan, Pauric, Dean, Calmus, Robert and Rosie McCormack, Tús supervisor.

Tidy Towns receive their national bronze medal

The Mullingar Tidy Towns team are delighted to have won a bronze medal the group in the SuperValu National Tidy Towns competition, and accept the award on behalf of all the people of Mullingar.

Mullingar Tidy Towns chairperson Bill Collentine thanked all those who helped the group win the award.

This year the group have a number of new projects in planning, and with all the help from those who work with them to enhance town, they are hopeful this year Mullingar can increase its markings in the national Tidy Towns competition.