Fit Squad – with water bottles received as part of a fruit-‘n-fitness reward presented to them by organisers Fyffes, pupils from Mullingar Educate Together NS celebrate their success in being recognised for their ‘involvement and inventiveness’ in a competition now in progress to find Ireland’s fittest school.

Mullingar pupils’ interest in fitness recognised

Pupils at Mullingar Educate Together National School have had their interest in fitness recognised in a nationwide competition to find Ireland’s fittest school, launched recently by Irish Olympic athletes Phil Healy and David Gillick.

The event, which runs until April and in which more than 500 schools are participating, is the latest phase in a ‘Fit Squad’ schools fitness programme organised by banana distributors Fyffes – initially through a series of school visits and, post-Covid, through a programme of exercises and keep-fit tips presented online by athletes Healy and Gillick.

In recognition of their ‘involvement and inventiveness’ in responding to guidelines set out under the programme, pupils at Mullingar Educate Together NS received ‘fruit-‘n-fitness’ rewards and bonus points in a league-style competition from which the eventual winners will emerge.

To be announced in May, the overall successful school will receive sports equipment valued at €5,000 plus a visit from Fit Squad ambassadors, Healy and Gillick.

Further details are at