Kilbeggan parish centre is to be the meeting place for parishioners in the Clara Deanery.

Synodal pathway: what's on, when and where

Clara, Tubber, Tullamore, Kilcormac, Eglish, Kilbeggan, Rahan, Ballymore, Drumraney, Glasson.

Meetings in Kilbeggan Pastoral Centre, N91 Y009, at 8pm on March 8, 15, 22 and 29.

All welcome any night which suits you, but in an attempt to spread the attendance, there is a flexible structure arranged:

March 8: those involved in parish liturgical life – readers, extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion, choir members, organists, stewards/collectors, sacristans, etc.

March 15: those involved in parish administration – parish staff, members of parish pastoral councils, members of parish finance committees, baptism teams, safeguarding representatives, counters, those involved in prayer and apostolic groups, Society of St Vincent de Paul, Legion of Mary, Pioneer Association, Apostolate of Eucharistic Adoration, Teams of Our Lady, Meals-on-Wheels, etc.

March 22: those involved in schools – teachers and school staff, pupils/students, members of parents’ associations, members of BOMs, those involved in youth organisations and sports groups, young people, and parents of children and teenagers.

March 29: Mass of thanksgiving.

Castlepollard, Taghmon, Coole, Multyfarnham, Collinstown, Oldcastle, Clonmellon. Delvin, Mountnugent.

Meetings: Castlepollard Parish Centre, on 8, 15, 22, 29 March.

March 8: All involved in ministries – readers, ministers of f Holy Communion, choir members, organists, stewards/collectors, sacristans, and church helpers.

March 15: those involved in parish administration – parish staff, members of pastoral support groups, finance committees, baptism teams, safeguarding representatives, counters and others who help in running the parish.

March 22: those involved in prayer and apostolic groups, Society of St Vincent de Paul, Legion of Mary, Pioneer Association, Apostolate of Eucharistic Adoration, Teams of Our Lady, Lourdes Hospitalite Dilemmas in Care, AA groups and clubs for older and younger people.

March 29: those involved in schools – teachers and school staff, pupils/students, members of parents associations, members of BOMs.

April 5: Thanksgiving Mass.

Mullingar, Ballinabrackey, Ballynacargy, Castletown-Geoghegan, Killucan, Kinnegad, Dysart, Rochfortbridge, Milltown.

Meetings: St Etchen’s School, Kinnegad, 7.30pm March 8, 15, 22 and 29.

All welcome any night that suits