Mullingar Chamber Spotlight Ball postponed
The Mullingar Chamber Spotlight Ball has been postponed, and new a date will be announced later in 2022, the chamber has confirmed this morning.
In a statement the chamber said that their team, taking into account the “war in Ukraine and the tragic suffering inflicted on millions of people there as well as the resulting humanitarian crisis and inflation crisis” we consulted extensively with the hotel, our sponsors and members and have taken the decision to postpone this event, until later in 2022”.
John Geoghegan, president of Mullingar Chamber, said: “This ball was planned long before the horrific situation in Ukraine transpired in the last two weeks. With wider concerns locally, nationally and internationally, as well as local connections in Ukraine and Poland, Mullingar Chamber feels it is best to postpone this ball to later in 2022 when, hopefully, this situation is resolved.
“We would like to thank the Mullingar Park Hotel and The Ardonagh Group as well as our local charity partner, Good2Talk, and all our suppliers and guests who booked tables for their co-operation in this regard and look forward to announcing a date for the ball later in 2022.”