Dog park set to open in June
Work has begun on Mullingar's long awaited dog park and it's scheduled to open this summer.
The park is located in Newbrook along the Royal Canal and access will be from the Royal Canal Greenway.
In a statement to the Westmeath Examiner, Westmeath County Council said that the park will be open to the public in two months.
“Works are underway on the development of a Dog Park at Newbrook, Mullingar. The park will be accessed from the Royal Canal Greenway, and will be divided into two sections, to separate large dogs from small dogs.
"Contractors are fencing the site at present. The green areas have been rotavated and will be reseeded in the next couple of weeks. The paths within the site will then be surfaced with macadam. It will then be a couple of months before the grass in the green areas will be sufficiently well developed for use by the public. We would anticipate that the Dog Park would be opening in June 2022.”
Cllr Andrew Duncan, who proposed that the council open a dog park four years ago, says that it is great to see the project near completion.
"It will be a very useful addition to the town. People who want to be able to give their dogs a bit of leg room can do so now in a secure environment without fouling up the place.
"I think it is a good location for something like this. There will be access from the Clonmore side and it's not going to cause hassle for neighbouring houses. It should end up as a nice meeting point for people interested in dogs and I'm pleased it has come to fruition.
"Credit should go to Darren Mills who brought it my attention," Cllr Duncan said.