'We want this weather for the fleadh in August'
Official launch of Fleadh Cheoil na hÉireann
We want weather like this at the end of July and the start of August, Joe Connaire told the gathering outside the arts centre at the launch of Fleadh Cheoil 2022 yesterday evening.
Joe, chairman of the Fleadh Executive Committee, welcomed a large crowd to the event, held outdoors thanks to the fine weather.
“Fleadh Cheoil na hÉireann is returning to the town where Comhaltas was founded in 1951,” he said, “and it’s an honour and a privilege for us as an FEC to have Fleadh Cheoil na hÉireann return to the town.
"It’s a great Comhaltas event. Comhaltas is in our blood, it’s in our culture, traditional Irish music, song and dance are in the character of every Irish person, and we are delighted to be part of that and are honoured to have Fleadh Cheoil na hÉireann returning between 31st of July and the 8th of August.
“The title of our fleadh is the Homecoming. Everyone is going to come home to Mullingar for the eight or 10 days.”
Joe paid particular thanks to the two local ministers, Robert Troy and Peter Burke, to Bishop Tom Deenihan, to Rev Canon Graham, and “to all our sponsors that have helped us to date – without them, we couldn’t hold this event.
“To our main sponsor, North Midlands Credit Union, it’s a privilege to have you on board, and you got on board at a very early stage, so to Tom and all the staff, we sincerely thank you for that.”
Joe said that without the support of Westmeath County Council, this event would not take place. “We have a great team in the council supporting us in the FEC and I want to sincerely thank everyone involved, as a collective group.”
He paid tribute to the musicians, a large number of whom were present, and said. “Without fail, when you’re asked to come to an event, be it big or small, you turn up in large numbers, and being a musician myself, I really appreciate what you’re asked to do, so give yourselves a big bualadh bos.”
Joe welcomed members of the CCÉ ardchomhairle to Mullingar and looked forward to working with them till the event concludes on August 8. “We’re delighted to have had your support; this has been a long process but we’re on the home straight, so I appreciate all your help and support.”
Concluding, he thanked those present for turning up on a beautiful sunny evening when there are so many other things to do in the area, and gave a plug to sales of tickets and the fundraising car draw.
More on the launch next week.