Local Greens welcome the introduction of maternity leave for county councillors
Longford Westmeath Greens have welcomed the news that maternity leave is to be introduced for county councillors.
The proposed scheme offers councillors the choice to appoint an individual as a temporary. The substitute would have the ability to vote on behalf of the councillor, represent them at all meetings, in all aspects of the role for the 26-week maternity leave period.
Cllr Hazel Smyth welcomed the news saying that it should encourage more women to enter local politics.
“In the Green Party, half of our elected representatives are women, but there is so much more work that we can do for women in general in politics. This scheme will allow for the increased participation of women in local government, which will have a positive knock-on effect for politics at large.
"An equal Ireland for every woman can only be achieved when we have women’s voices at the highest offices in local government and beyond. The absence of any maternity leave has made the role of councillor very unappealing to women; whereas this maternity leave will hopefully encourage a lot more women to run for election or stay in politics.
"It has been very sad to see many women leaving politics due to the difficulties managing childcare responsibilities and the role of a councillor. I was very honoured to help lead an initiative in Westmeath County Council to encourage greater diversity in our council chambers by creating a video and information booklet to provide greater insight on the role of a councillor.
"I have been working hard since to encourage greater gender equality in local politics by seeking a family friendly space/lactation room in our council buildings, a parent-baby car parking spaces and childcare support during meeting times; as well as more family friendly timing of meetings and support with online abuse experienced by many elected representatives. Greater diversity in our council chambers is so important and ensures that all voices are heard, listened to and represented within our community as they should be.”
There is also alternative administrative support option if a councillor does not wish to elect a substitute in their place. In this case, councillors will be given funding for additional administrative assistance for the entirety of their maternity leave.