No plan to extend parking permit scheme in Mullingar

A call for parking permits to be issued to small businesses and maintenance and service people working in Mullingar town was made by Cllr Bill Collentine at the June meeting of the Municipal Council.

Cllr Collentine said that it would not cost the council, but rather would put money in the coffers as people would pay in advance. It would mean less hassle for the traffic wardens and put money in the bank, he suggested.

The meeting was told that 134 permits are issued across the town under the annual employment permits scheme. It is not proposed to extend the scheme to maintenance or service people. It is considered that the current on/off street parking is sufficient to meet this need.

Cllr Mick Dollard suggested that it was time to have an overall review of paid parking in the town to consider ideas such as that put forward by Cllr Collentine. It was agreed to have it as a special item on the agenda for a future meeting.