Seisiún Mór na hÉigse - "the beating heart" of who we are
On Thursday, on the steps of the Cathedral of Christ the King, hundreds of young musicians, all students of the Comhaltas summer school, Scoil Éigse, put on the Seisiún Mór na hÉigse.
Led by Kieran Hanrahan of Ceile House, the performance was very dramatic because of the sheer numbers of performers involved.
In attendance was Minister for Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Catherine Martin, and former Taoisech Brian Cowen and Kieran Hanrahan of Ceili House, who each were presented with awards for their contribution to Comhaltas. Also there for the occassion was Bishop Tom Deenihan.
Minister Martin said she had the privilege of meeting some of the teachers in Scoil Eigsé, and could not wait to hear the students play, adding that they were the real "stars of today".
The students started off with a couple of jigs, Saddle the Pony and Paddy’s Return, followed by a selection of tunes called the Ballydesmond Polkas. This was followed by a number of reels, The Boys of Ballisodare and The Five Mile Chase. The choral class performed then, with Tommy Hayes from Stockton's Wing who stepped in for a tune. Up next was the hornpipes, The Home Ruler and Kitty's Wedding.
“It’s amazing to be here for the homecoming of the fleadh in Mullingar," continued the Minister, who was making the presentation to Kieran Hanrahan. "Kieran (Hanrahan) of course is a master musician, a highly respected academic and educator, but also he absolutely recognised the input it has had in his life, and in the true Comhaltas tradition, Kieran who has grown up with it and here he is sharing it again.
"This award is really in recognition of your immense generosity in not only sharing your skill and talent, but even more so your passion and love for ceol tradisiúnta. It really does go to the beating heart of who we are as a people.“
Also speaking at the event was Director-General of Comhaltas Ceoltóirí Éireann, Labhrás Ó Murchú, who greeted the huge crowds who had turned out in the sunshine for the special concert by saying "we're having a fantastic fleadh cheoil".
Welcoming the Minister and the former Taoiseach, Mr Ó Murchú said that he had picked up a supplement from a local newspaper during the week, which quoted Minister Martin by saying that the Fleadh Cheoil was the ultimate expression of who we are as a people, and sentiment that he agreed with wholeheartedly.
He added: “It’s great to have my old friend Brian Cowen here, you have no idea what Brian Cowen did for Comhaltas. He opened our cultural centre, he launched our archive and whenever the ‘cupla pingin’was needed, he was there. Brian, mile, mile buiscas.
Mr Ó Murchú also saluted Kieran Hanrahan, saying he alwasy had talent, but he keep it to himself, "he passed it on to all these young people and thouasands of young people like them.
“He is the voice of cultural Ireland - Ceili House, and can I say, long may Ceile House be with us."
Meanwhile Comhaltas president, Éamonn Ó hArgáin made a presentation to Minister Martin, adding that she was was "always accessible and always there to help", while Mr Hanrahan made a presentation to Brian Cowen, saying he was "always so supportive of Comhaltas when in government".