Launch of Leona McDonnell’s book ‘When Lucy Meets Arden’
Leona McDonnell welcomed a large crowd of adults and children to the launch of her debut mindfulness and nature connection book for children, ‘When Lucy Meets Arden’ on Saturday afternoon.
It is the first book in a six-book series called ‘Lucy’s Mindful Life’.
The spirits, energy and excitement of everyone were high on the day as children and adults enjoyed a creative afternoon in Oldcastle Library.
As the children arrived, they were greeted with individual balloons and ‘Breathe and Root’ bookmarks that Leona had designed for the occasion. There was a colouring corner for creative little ones to express themselves and to relax, and there was also live music to enjoy.
The children were delighted to have their photographs with the Arden tree cut-out, where their faces became Arden’s face (Arden is the magical tree in the story).
Leona said that one of the most emotionally moving parts of the afternoon was witnessing all the children’s pride and excitement as everyone viewed and admired the displayed pieces of artwork that they created for the book launch.
Leona received 185 artwork entries for display from five local primary schools.
“Children are so naturally creative and talented and for me their artwork was the most important part of the book launch – every single drawing made my heart beam and explode with happiness,” she said.
Many people commented on the day how the energy in the library was so full of love, fun and excitement and for Leona, it was a dream come true, she said. She expressed her gratitude to everyone who helped out with the book launch.
• ‘When Lucy Meets Arden’ is available to purchase on Leona’s website at