End of an area as Tony Browne is laid to rest
It was the end of an era when renowned Moate businessman Tony Browne was laid to rest on Saturday afternoon last.
Described as “the essence of a gentleman” by everyone who knew him, he was the proprietor of AB Oil on the Dublin Road in Moate for over half a century, which at one stage was known the length and breadth of the country for selling the cheapest fuel in Ireland.
Tony, who lived in High Warren, Baylin, passed away peacefully on Wednesday of last week, January 25, at the Midlands Regional Hospital, Tullamore having spent the previous two and a half years in the nearby Esker Rí Nursing Home in Clara due to ill-health.
Although the 79-year-old businessman sold AB Oil to the East Cork Oil Company when he fell ill over two years ago, staff at the business paid a hugely emotional tribute to their former boss on the day of his funeral by placing his beloved signature 1985 red BMW car on the forecourt of AB Oil as his funeral cortege wound its way through the forecourt for the final time.
“It was a deeply emotional journey,” said his brother, Liam, “and it was such a lovely gesture for Tony as the business was his whole life for over 50 years and he also loved his cars.”
The emotional send-off for Tony Browne was filmed and posted to YouTube where it has already garnered over 1.8 k views and many warm tributes from former staff, customers and suppliers from all corners of Ireland.
Known as a wonderful community man who provided generous sponsorship to many local sporting clubs, schools and organisations in the wider community of Moate and Athlone, the late Tony Browne was laid to rest in Donegan Cemetery on Saturday afternoon last following Requiem Mass in Corpus Christi Church in Mount Temple.
See the YouTube video of Tony Browne's final journey below:
See full tribute in this week's Westmeath Independent.