Mullingar Shamrocks 70th Anniversary Banquet: The Perfect Event
By Tom Hunt
Mullingar Shamrocks celebrated their 70th anniversary in style on Saturday night in the Mullingar Park Hotel before an attendance of close to 350 members and invited guests that included the President of the GAA, Larry McCarthy, the Bishop of Meath, Most Rev Tom Deenihan, Peter Burke, Minister for State for European Affairs and Defence who is also a long-term member of Mullingar Shamrocks, Frank Mescall, Chairperson of Westmeath GAA County Committee and Robert Troy TD. However, the most important of the invited guests were those who were honoured for what essentially is a life time of service to the Mullingar Shamrocks club in a variety of voluntary capacities. The guests also included the club’s Honorary Presidents and those who served as Trustees.
It was an extraordinary club night, the result of the meticulous planning of the organising committee of Debbie Newman, Roisin Masterson, Niamh Gilmartin, Shandel Sheerin, Tom Hunt and Conor Moore who combined their various skill-sets to deliver the perfect commemorative occasion.
Mullingar Shamrocks chairperson David Nohilly in his welcoming address pointed out that the 16 January, the foundation date of the club, was also Martin Luther King Day and this was very relevant as Martin Luther King was the one who said “We are not makers of history, we are made by history”. “It is that history that defines us as a club. It is in our DNA,” David Nohilly stated as he acknowledged the achievements of our pioneering founders, the work of the original trustees, the trustees that followed and “the countless volunteers who for the past 70 years have made this club what it has become today, a club our forefathers would be proud of- it has come a long way and now embraces a diverse range of activities”.
“Like all urban clubs there are challenges and opportunities ahead,” Mr Nohilly stated identifying “rural clubs becoming suburban clubs which puts pressure on urban clubs”; “the lack of space, lack of playing grounds, the inevitable changes to the model by which urban clubs hold property which will include community shared pitches” and the challenges posed by “a rapidly evolving more diverse societies”.
However, David Nohilly “was confident that the club was well prepared for these challenges as we moved towards our 100 Anniversary. Tonight we celebrate what has been achieved, celebrating that wonderful volunteer spirit in Mullingar Shamrocks”.
Larry McCarthy in his address complimented Mullingar Shamrocks on its achievements and the manner in which it has embraced the diverse range of activities that now take place under the GAA and LGFA umbrella noting in particular the “vibrancy of the club and enthusiasm” that was so evident in the Park Hotel before suggesting that “probably you’re greatest legacy as a club is going to be the love and the passion and the interest that you have imbued in young people over the years through your street leagues, through your competitions, through your teams for Gaelic Games”. GAA clubs help people in immeasurable ways: “That’s what clubs do because without a doubt the GAA is the greatest community based sporting organisation in the world, bar none.”
“The GAA is also the greatest intergenerational sporting organisation in the world. I suspect that children from eight to 80 are to be seen in Springfield every week, that is the ethos of this institution, that what makes us different, that’s what makes us great, and makes clubs like Mullingar Shamrocks great. “
Mr McCarthy also focused on the community contribution of the GAA club.
“It is immense and clubs should not be shy about knocking on the doors of politicians and of local authorities or political entities and asking for investment because the return on investment that the GAA gives is incredible. “
Larry McCarthy concluded with what he called his “Now that I’ve got you” moment to request a greater investment in encouraging, respecting and developing referees before concluding with the advice that Mullingar Shamrocks continue with the “fun is good” mantra going forward.
This section of the banquet included a magnificent thirteen minute video produced and narrated by Conor Moore in association with Mullingar Shamrocks PRO Tom Hunt which documented the history of the club since its foundation in 1953. It was emotional viewing for many as it featured some of the great heroes of the past who have gone to their eternal reward including Mick Reynolds, Tommy Lennon and Tommy Gilhooley. Many of the younger members of the club were acquainted with the rich history of the club for the first time.
It is customary for GAA clubs to include a celebratory guest or two at functions but on this occasion the guests were long serving volunteers, members whose contribution to the club was lifelong and whose contribution was acknowledged by the presentation of specially commissioned trophies. The honorees were Terry O’Dowd, Detty Cornally, Davy Gavin, Patsy Rylands, Marie Burke, Pat Collins and Tom Hunt. Barry Kelly, Paul Doolin, Pearse Corroon and Ned Moore paid tribute to the recipients. Terry and Davy were unable to be present on the night.
Then it was the turn of our Ladies Gaelic Football champion intermediate team of 2020 and League Champion team of 2022 to receive their medals. There were special presentations for Karen Hegarty, Tara Fagan, Niamh Spellman, Lauren McCormack and Anna Jones, All-Ireland LGF medalists in 2021 and for Paul Aherne and Carole Finch who were members of the management team of the All-Ireland champions.
The banquet was an extraordinary gathering of Mullingar Shamrocks people and included one of the original trustees, Seán McCoy; several of the members of the 1964 and 1966 county senior champion team; Paddy Cole and Kevin Higgins who played for Leinster in 1968; former club chairmen, secretaries and treasurers; All-Ireland Scór champions; All-Ireland medalists in LGF Carole Finch, Emma Morris, Tara Fagan, Niamh Spellman, Lauren McCormack, Anna Jones two time All-Ireland medalist Karen Hegarty; men who were weighed down with county senior medals but most of all the gathering included hundreds (yes!) of volunteer coaches and administrators who made it all possible.