Fire fighters protect us, now it’s time to protect them – Guirke

A local TD has called on the government to sit down at the table with firefighters and negotiate a deal that will stop strike action next month.

Last week members of the Fire Service across the state unanimously voted in favour of industrial action following a county representatives meeting. Deputy Johnny Guirke says that government needs to do more to avert the strike action planned for June 6.

"The decision by their members to take action on two weeks’ notice comes after talks with representative bodies broke down.

"We need to put those firefighters first now, the same way they put our lives first when they rush into situations that put their own lives in danger.

"Strike action is planned for June 6, but I think we have time to save this before it goes that far.

"We need to see all parties including the government, county councils and Fire Services sitting in a room and talking, and coming up with a resolution that suits everyone.

"Industrial action includes no drills, no contact with ERCC Camp, only contact with rostered officers instead, only fire calls for one week and 50 per cent of station closures, rolling out to different stations every day.

"We cannot allow it to go to all out strike action if no resolution is reached, as all members will be leaving their personal pagers at their stations and this will limit the service down to a minimum

"As we have until June 6, I’m calling for the government to intervene with negotiations with the council and Fire Service, so that we can come to an agreement that all parties are satisfied with," he said.