Olivia Callaghan, principal, Loreto College, Mullingar, paid tribute to the class of 2023 at their awards event as took a day to relax before resuming studies.
“Saying goodbye is never easy, and that was true of our Leaving Certificate class of 2023,” said Ms Callaghan.
She said the young women had grown and flourished during their years in Loreto Mullingar, and the school community had many gifts and attributes to celebrate at their final awards ceremony.
The Student Council award winners. Back: Ms Bracken, Annemarie O’Reilly, Grace McEvoy, Aoibhin McDonald, Emily Flynn, Kate Fallon, Ms O’Kennedy and Ms Callaghan. Front: Fiadh Donlon, Ciara Lynch, Meadbh Wallace and Dina Galander.
“The atmosphere of sisterhood, warm applause, and congratulations shown by the year group to every nominee and award recipient made the occasion all the more memorable.
“Thank you to Aoife Davitt for her work in organising this ceremony and to Ger Langtry and the Parents Council for their support. The awards recognised all the qualities that we hold dear in our school – generosity of spirit, joy, extra-curricular talents, the pursuit of excellence and leadership.”
The Student of the Year runners-up: Emily Flynn, Grace Keane, Meghan Bates, Holly Hynes, Ava McDonnell, Cliona Sheerin, Laura Witter, Emma McNamee, Kate Gaffney, Alice McDonnell, Katie Rose Crowley, Riona Cassidy, Cliodhna Murray and Aine Cole. Winner Emily Shaw (centre back row) with Ms A Hanlon (deputy principal), Ms Callaghan (principal), Ms J Bracken (year head, sixth year), Ms G Langtry (chair, PAC) and Ms B Smyth (deputy principal) .
Their year head Jennifer Bracken reminded the graduates to believe in themselves, to follow their dreams, and spoke of how proud we are of all they have accomplished.
Rene Lysaght’s niece Ger Meenaghan joined Loreto to award the prize for leadership. Renee is in her 93rd year and a former deputy principal of the school.
She had vision and determination, and was a true leader in education and the community, said Ms Callaghan.
Orla Cosgrove presented the Spirit Award to Mingaile Locaityte.
Ger was presented with a commemorative medal from the school as a token of gratitude for Renee and her years of service in Loreto Mullingar.
For the second year, the spirit award in memory of “our dear colleague Barbara Keena” was awarded.
Aine Hayden (HPS) and Brianna Brophy (breakfast club) with Ms J Bracken (year head, sixth year), Ms A Hanlon (deputy principal), Ms B Smyth (deputy principal) and Ms T Malone (PE teacher).
“This award recognises that you can make a difference to others by being yourself. Many members of our school community were nominated for their positive values, and Mingaile Locaityte, who works in reception, was the popular winner.”
The management and staff of Loreto College, Mullingar extend their warmest well wishes to the Leaving Certificate class of 2023, after the difficult experiences of school closures, online learning, and the slow and unusual reintegration to in-class learning before normality resumed.
The senior leadership team. Abbie Stakem-Tuite, Aine Hayden, Alice McDonnell, Amy Hall, Aoibhin McDonald, Aseel Hannan, Ava McDonnell, Brianna Brophy, Katie O’Connor, Cliona Sheerin, Dina Galander, Emily Flynn, Emily McNamee, Emily Shaw, Fiadh Donlon, Holly Hynes, Holly Lawlor, Jasmine Farrell, Jasmine McFarlane Ginnell, Kate Gaffney, Meadhbh Wallace, Meghan Bates, Rania Connell, Sara Shayoub and Chloe Scally.
“We trust that you are all now ready to face the next challenges of the Leaving Certificate, further study and ventures, and the working world,” said Ms Callaghan.
“Regardless of the path you choose, we wish you all a lifetime of health, success, and happiness in meeting your true potential as the inspirational young people we now say a fond farewell to,” she concluded.
The Sporting Excellence Award. Back: Ciara Kane, Grace Gallagher. Front: Keelie Mulderry, Aine Newman (winner) and Alice McDonnell, with Ms Callaghan (principal) and Ms M Smyth (PE teacher).
Head Girl Team: Aoibhin McDonald (head girl), Emily Flynn and Kate Fallon (deputy head girls).
The nominees for The Spirit Award. (Back row) Ms Callaghan (principal), Mr S Carroll (year head, third year), Ms E Quintanal (Spanish teacher), Ms S Hyland (career guidance), and Ms O Cosgrave (English teacher). (Front row) Ms B Smyth (deputy principal), Ms A Ruane (PE teacher), Ms S Moran (biology teacher), Mr S Walsh (religion teacher), Ms M Smyth (PE teacher) and Ms C Gallagher (TY co-ordinator).
The Deirdre Brennan Award. Abbie Smith, Ciara Conneely (winner) and Kate Gaffney with Ms T O’Keeffe (year head, first year).
The Sr Teresita Award. Back: Erin Reynolds, Carley McLoughlin, Orlaith Wallace (winner), Eva Bond and Brianna Brophy. Front Sr Therese, Sr Philomena and Sr Anna.
The Rene Lysaght Award. Back: Ms A Hanlon, Paige Reynolds, Fiadh Donlon, Ciara Connelly, Katie O’Connor, Aoibheann McDonald and Ms Ger Meenaghan. Front: Meadbh Wallace, Emily Flynn (winner) and Kate Fallon
The Joy Award. Back: Laura Witter, Kate O’Connor and Ms B Smyth. Front: Kate Gaffney, Emily Flynn (winner) and Eva Bond.
The Student of the Year nominees. Back: Holly Duggan, Ciara Connelly, Niamh Roe and Rania Connell. Front: Aine Newman, Grace McEvoy Murphy and Meadhbh Wallace with Ms Callaghan (principal) and Ms G Langtry (chair, PAC).
The Sr Teresita Award. Back: Erin Reynolds, Carley McLoughlin, Orlaith Wallace (winner), Eva Bond and Brianna Brophy. Front Sr Therese, Sr Philomena and Sr Anna.