Photo by Mary Ní Mhaoilbheannaigh
Readers pics of the lightning shows over Mullingar and surrounds
Lightning strike over Cathedral of Christ The King, Mullingar.
Photo by
Charlene Flaherty captured this whopper.
Clive O'Callaghan captured this at Clonlost, Killucan.
Adam Nolan captured lighting strike his father-in-law, Joe Killian's shed on Saturday last, in Dysart.
Emma Wright took this.
Kara Carroll snapped this.
Mary Ní Mhaoilbheannaigh took this out at the lake.
You can see the spires of the Cathedral in Mullingar in the background. Taken by Padriag McManus
Rochfortbrodge by Katie Ní Dhubhghaill.
Traci Gilbride.