Deirdre Clogher, Rachel Connell, Rebecca Connell and Sarah Connell at the opening of their art exhibition.

Exhibition 'a wonderful testimony to the female gaze'

A large crowd attended the opening of a unique exhibition of works by a Castlepollard artist and her three daughters at the Atrium, County Buildings, Mullingar, last week. The exhibition, entitled Kindred, featuring works by Deirdre Clogher and her daughters Rebecca, Rachel and Sarah Connell, runs until July 20.

Arts Officer Miriam Mulrennan said she believed this was the first exhibition by four members of one family at the now widely used Atrium. She invited those interested in using the Atrium to display their creations to get in touch. “We’d love to host you. You are very welcome to come and bring some work here,” she said.

Caroline Barry, local artist, sculptor, novelist, writer and member of the library team, performed the official opening. She said it was lovely to see female artists come to the fore with their “eye that looks at the simple straight-in-front-of-you life experience, doesn’t dramatise it in epic, but somehow, an epic quality comes in”.

She congratulated the four women whose works are “a wonderful testimony to the female gaze looking at the environment”.

Deirdre Clogher said this was a big day for her family. She thanked Caroline, Miriam and Westmeath County Council for their support, Laura McCormack and Elizabeth Kerrigan for hosting the opening, all who helped with the food, particularly Philomena Browne and Paula Mullen, and all who helped in general as well as those that attended.“It is a privilege and a special treat to be exhibiting here,” she said.

Among those who attended were David Jones, director of services with the council, Ruth Illingworth, local historian and author, family and friends, including some of Deirdre’s friends from the Irish Country Women’s Association. The exhibition is open to the public until July 20.