Vikings set to storm Dún na Sí

Viking reenactors, all in traditional costume, crafts people and traders with authentic hand made goods from all over Ireland and Europe will descend upon Dún na Sí on July 29 and 30 next.

The Viking families, warriors and followers will be camped in an authentic tented village in the grounds of Dún na Sí on both days. A replica 20ft ship will also be on display as part of the fun, family day out.

The event will run from 11am to 5pm on Saturday and 11am to 4pm on Sunday to show how Viking folk lived more than a thousand years ago.

There will be demonstrations throughout each day by crafts people using medieval tools and ancient skills and will include, woodworking, cooking displays, pottery, jewellery making, blacksmith works and rune readings.

Watch the epic battle re-enactments at designated times throughout the day. Artisans will also have their handcrafted goods on display and for sale.

Come along and participate in children’s treasure hunts and Viking style face painting. The children also get an opportunity to take on the Vikings in battle. Newly added fixtures this year include Archery and a Bird display. There is something for all the family to enjoy.

This is an event not to be missed!!! For more information visit or visit us on Facebook @DunNaSiPark or Instagram @dunnasi