Cllr Hazel Smyth

Extend bike scheme - Smyth

Residents living in housing estates outside the centre of Mullingar would like the bike hire scheme area extended to enable them to use bikes for commuting, and similar views have been expressed by workers in areas outside the town centre, Cllr Hazel Smyth told the executive of the Municipal District of Mullingar Kinnegad at the July meeting.

The response supplied by the district stated that Westmeath County Council is continuing to evaluate and monitor the performance of the bike hire scheme, which includes looking at new options for docking stations.

“Sites have been identified and we have spoken to private organisations, and also looked at residential areas on the outer perimeter of the town. However, long-term funding would need to be secured in order to expand the number of docking stations beyond current locations,” the response concluded.

Cllr Smyth pressed her case. “I've had correspondence from people in Glenmore Woods, Petitswood Manor, Belvedere Hills, and various other housing estates on the periphery of the town, who would like to see the bikes being made available at these particular places," she said.

“People want to get up in the morning, hop on the bike, go into town, leave the bike and then cycle back to their homes.

“We are seeing that the usage in Mullingar is less than in Athlone and I think this is a big contributing factor to this.”

Cllr Smyth said that when the bikes were first installed, councillors were told there was flexibility in where they could be located and that feedback would be welcomed.

“This is a pilot program, and I think it would be worth trying at least to have some of these bikes located in some of these housing estates, which are in built-up areas with a lot of people living in them. And I do think that we would see the usage increase because of that,” she said.

Cllr Ken Glynn supported Cllr Smyth’s call and suggested that it be trialled in a residential area.

Support came too from Mayor John Shaw and from Cllr Frank McDermott.

Director of services David Jones said he agreed with the spirit of the motion.

“The bike scheme that was introduced last year was the pilot and we have extended it out for another six months. On just the question of providing the bikes in other locations, there is a cost implication to that and we are looking to see if we can get in central funding through Active Travel and through the NTA in relation to that, and our efforts will continue.”

Mr Jones went on to agree that the district can look to see if some of the bikes could be relocated. “Perhaps there's no cost associated with that,” he said.