Tuar Ard in Moate, which is hosting the Irish Rural Link annual conference and AGM today (Monday).

Declining incomes in rural homes the focus of Irish Rail Link conference today

Irish Rural Link (IRL), the Moate-based national network representing the interest of rural communities is holding its annual conference and AGM today (Monday) in Moate's Tuar Ard Arts Centre.

The conference is exploring the decline in income of rural families and the challenges they currently face in meeting energy, food and transport costs. It's also discussing what supports are needed to ensure people have an adequate income.

Irish Rural Link stated that low-income households in rural areas have always had deeper income inadequacy than a similar household living in an urban area. This is mainly due to extra costs incurred for transport, energy and food.

It added that, over the past 18 months, the costs of these essentials has increased significantly and rural households have been feeling the impact.

Speakers at today's event include Hannah Boylan from the Vincentian MESL Research Centre; Ruth Buggy of SEAI; and special guest speaker Teresa Cavanan from Rural Action NI, who is to outline the challenges rural communities in Northern Ireland are facing at this time as well as the collaborative work happening between community and voluntary organisations north and south.

Speaking about the conference, Seamus Boland, CEO of Irish Rural Link, said: "Poverty in rural areas is different to that of urban areas. The lack of public services; public transport, broadband, energy and fuel prices add to household expenditure.

"A different approach is needed to address poverty and income inadequacy in rural areas.

"We are just over a week out from Budget 2024 and we must begin to see people being lifted out of poverty through increases in core social welfare rates but also real investment in public services so household costs can be reduced."